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Grant admin privileges

Enabling management capabilities for some users

Updated over 10 months ago

This article is for the Super Admin.

You may not be the only person responsible for administering your organization's recognition program. As such, it may be useful to assign another member of your department as an 'Admin'. You can assign as many Admins as required.

Simply go to Manage > People and follow these steps:

1. In the list, find the person you'd like to grant admin privileges to

2. Click the 'Grant admin privileges' icon:

3. Click 'Confirm'

That's it!

Note: An Admin gains almost all of the same rights as you, the Super Admin. This includes having unlimited giving points, adding funding, inviting people, creating campaigns for any team or person within your organization, and more.

However, Admins cannot access the Manage > Settings page, cannot make other users Admins, cannot create Milestone awards, cannot change the budget reset frequency, or change your account's subscription. Only you as the Super Admin can do that.

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