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Bulk actions rundown

A detailed account of the Bulk Actions available from the Manage > People page

Updated over 10 months ago

There are a variety of actions within Qarrot that can be done in bulk to save both time and administrative tasks. This article highlights and explains each action that can be done in bulk.

Bulk Add Users

  1. From Manage > People, click the Bulk button.

  2. From the drop-down bulk options menu, under Templated bulk actions, select Add.

  3. Download our blank template file and complete the required fields.

  4. Upload the document and select 'Submit your file for review'.

  5. Allow the system time to process the document and review it before confirming the submission.

  6. Once processed, all users included within the template will be automatically added to Qarrot.

Note: If you add an existing email on file through Bulk Add, the user is not added and an error message is displayed indicating the email is already in use.

Bulk Update Users

  1. From Manage > People, click the Bulk button.

  2. From the drop-down bulk options menu, under Templated bulk actions, select Update.

  3. Download your user list and make any updates required. For example:

  • If you remove a row, the corresponding user will be deactivated.

  • If you add a row, the corresponding user will be added to your program.

  • If you delete a user's information in the template, those deletions will be reflected in Qarrot once you have uploaded the template file.

  • If you update a user's information in the template, those updates will be reflected in Qarrot once you have uploaded the template file.

  • If you try to add an existing email, it will not add a new user. It will update the existing user with the same information on file since emails act as unique user identifiers.

4. Upload the template file once complete and select 'Submit your file for review'.

5. Allow the system time to process the document and review it before confirming the submission.

6. Once processed, all user updates will be reflected in Qarrot.

Bulk Deactivate Users

  1. From Manage > People, click the Bulk button.

  2. From the drop-down bulk options menu, under Templated bulk actions, select Deactivate.

  3. To deactivate users' records, download our template file. Add the email addresses of the users you wish to deactivate.

  4. Upload the complete template and select 'Submit your file for review'.

  5. Allow the system time to process the document and review it before confirming the submission.

  6. Once processed, all users on file with the corresponding email addresses included in the template file will be deactivated.

Tips when it comes to Bulk options

  • It is possible that while completing a Bulk Action you receive an Error Message. For example - if wish to add more users than there are seats allocated in your current subscription, an Error Message will occur. Depending on what Bulk Actions you wish to make, you may need to update your existing subscription first.

  • Verify that all information added to the template file is correct so it is reflected accurately in your people's profile once uploaded to Qarrot.

  • Ensure the template file is completed in the correct format. Take care when adding/deleting information in the template file as columns and rows should not be deleted/moved.

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