This article is for SuperAdmins.
Go to Manage > Subscription, the page shows the number of seats currently in use in your account, the selected pricing plan, and your credit card subscription payment receipts.
Note: the number of 'Seats in use' includes both active and pending users in your account.
To learn more about a payment, like the period covered or invoice number, click the receipt icon on the line item you want to know more about:
To add or remove seats from your subscription, simply click 'Modify' on the Seats in use box:
Then, enter the corresponding number of seats you'd like to adjust your subscription to, and click 'Submit':
Note: To remove employee seats from your account, make sure enough accounts are deactivated.
The seat adjustment is automatic and immediate. Changes to your subscription plan apply within 1 business day.
Note: If you are on an Enterprise pricing plan, click 'Send request' or contact us at [email protected] to make any change to your plan.